Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Week 3, Thing 7 (cont.)

One of the most interesting technology-related items I've come across recently was a Berkeley Breathed cartoon in which Opus the Penguin and Bill the Cat come across a college student laying paralyzed on the sidewalk because all of his electronic gadgets have failed and he has gone "un-entertained for twenty minutes!!" This brought to mind Jimmy Buffett's tune, "Everybody's on the Phone" ( Communication is long as you have something worth communicating.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Week 3, Things 5, 6 & 7

Okay, tried Flickr, which I can see might be nice for some things. The Blogfish found another of his relatives at Still, in speaking about technology, one should probably be careful about what one puts out there. You never know when something might come back to haunt you - just ask Paris Hilton!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Week 2, Thing 3 & 4

The Blogfish is up and swimming!

Week 1, Thing 1 & 2

Looked through the 7 1/2 habits and found that, for me, accepting responsibility for my own learning is the easiest to accomplish, while Habit 3 - viewing problems as challenges - is by far the most difficult.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Frumious Blogfish

What is a Blogfish? A close relative of the Sebastes Nebulosus, the Blogfish is known to frequent the waters of the California coast between Catalina Island and Monterey Bay. Unconfirmed sightings have also been made as far afield as the Hawaiian Island chain, and it has been suggested that this is actually a seasonal migration which has previously gone unnoticed in the scientific record. The Blogfish is a large, pugnacious and singularly unattractive creature who inhabits a depth range from the intertidal zone to about 20 fathoms. Seldom observed in the wild, much less photographed, the Blogfish is adept at camouflage to such an extent that its very existence was long thought to be a myth.